How to Change the After Hours Settings

Hours of Operation controls when your phone system is "open" or "closed". Calls can be sent to a Talkroute Voicemail box, To a Menu, or can be disconnected. An audio file can be played before the call is sent to one of those destinations.


Changing Hours of Operation Settings

1. Login to your Talkroute account and navigate to the Settings section. 


2. Select the Hours of Operation tab.


3. Under "More Options" the following settings are available to change:

-What Audio File do you want callers to hear while you are closed? - This is the audio file that will play once your business is closed per your time slots. The call will be sent to your chosen destination after the audio file plays.

-Where should we send your callers when you are closed? - Calls can be sent to a Talkroute Voicemail box, To a Menu, or can be disconnected.

-Which Voicemail Box?/Which Menu? - If Voicemail or Go to a Menu is select, you can specify the Voicemail box or Call Menu that the caller is sent to.

-Timezone - The timezone you would like your time slots to follow.

Please be sure to click the Save button after making the desired changes.





When testing these changes, you must dial your Talkroute Phone Number from a phone number that is NOT listed as a Forwarding Phone Number. If you attempt to call your Talkroute Phone Number from a Forwarding Phone Number, the call will disconnect or outbound dialing will be initiated (if enabled).



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