How to Change the Incoming Caller ID

Incoming Caller ID will allow you to display a Virtual Phone Number on your account or the caller's phone number. To change the Incoming Caller ID for a virtual phone number, menu option, or multi-digit extension, please follow the steps below:


Changing the Incoming Caller ID

1. Login to your Talkroute account and navigate to the Manager section.


2. Locate the Virtual Phone NumberCall Menu Optionor Extension you wish to change the Incoming Caller ID setting for and select Edit.

Note: If you are sending calls to a call menu from a virtual phone number, you will need to select the Incoming Caller ID setting for each menu option or extension. If you have multiple Talkroute Phone Numbers, you can assign different Incoming Caller IDs for any of your numbers, menu options, or extensions.


3. Under "Advanced Settings", select the drop-down "What should we display on your Incoming Caller ID?" and choose either one of your Talkroute Phone Number(s) or the Caller's Phone Number to display, then click “Save & Close”.



Wireless carriers have started enabling additional spam and robocall detection features that unfortunately can prevent calls that are forwarded to your devices from ringing. This only occurs if you are using the “What should we display on your incoming Caller ID?” with “Show the Caller’s Phone Number" and is affecting most providers that offer call routing/call forwarding services. You can find more info on this new spam and robocall detection (SHAKEN/STIR) via the official FCC website: 

Please see our guide here on fixes to this issue:


When testing these changes, you must dial your Talkroute Phone Number from a phone number that is NOT listed as a Forwarding Phone Number. If you attempt to call your Talkroute Phone Number from a Forwarding Phone Number, the call will disconnect or outbound dialing will be initiated (if enabled).



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